Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A very bad idea

Yesterday, for some reason, I decided that it would be
a good idea to take the girls to a studio to get their pictures taken.

We had a gift card, they seemed even-tempered enough, and I was feeling adventurous.

This is how it went:
Leah was done, completely finished,
after she said "cheese" once.

Jenna was only slightly pleasant,
and that was IF she was sucking her binki.
But binki's don't look great in pictures now do they...

The photographer was new
and, I swear,
has never really worked with kids before.

The candy, toys, anything-you-want bribes
went totally unnoticed
after the first 3 mins.

Leah interpreted my statement:
"can you put your arms around Jenna...yeah, that's right,
give her a hug,"
as squish her so tight her eyes bulge.

Jenna just felt like crying, loud and long, instead of smiling.

We didn't get one usable picture of the two of them...

I think we can safely say my good idea was

a very bad idea

So much for the new "picture taking" outfits...
and they were so cute.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Look what I spent the morning doing...

I love
being a mom


and using all my
crafty capacity

An afternoon moment with Jenna

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Saying YES! to Proposition 8

Why I am saying YES! to Prop 8:
(41 sec.)

Why it effects me (and all of us):
(2:22 min)

The best discussion of the issue that I've seen:
(8 min)

From this great website:

Friday, October 17, 2008

What Ever Happened to 9am-5pm?

Perhaps somewhere in the great wide world, there exists a job where people wake up, play with the kids, eat breakfast with the mom, and then dash off to be at work by 9am.

Then by 5pm they hop in the car and are home by 5:30pm to help get dinner on the table. I believe these jobs exist, but I don't believe we will EVER know what that feels like...

This is Scott:

This is Scott's life:

Working Full-time
MBA School Part-time (nights/weekends)
Dad of a up-at-night newborn

Up at 5:30ish... out the door before 7am.

Home by 10ish...2-3 nights a week...7ish the other nights

Whatever happened to 9am-5pm?

It's turned into more like 5am-9pm