Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Walk on the Boardwalk

(with my favorite stroller:
the Phil & Ted Classic)

Every time I walk the boardwalk I can't help but feel stunned by the beauty of
life's little creations


and these


Grapefruit said...

Where I live, we have to drive 30 minutes to an official botanical garden, pay $100 for the whole family to walk in and see what real flowers look like. But lucky you, you are surrounded by botanical heaven! All your posts do is just make me want to come visit!

Tracy Elder said...

Wow! Mush you are ready to go pro with the picture taking skills you have. When did you guys get a Phil and tEDS? I want one! And thanks for posting those list of books for child rearing. I need to ready at least one if not ALL of them. Can you believe me...I didn't read any books except for the What to expect one...I fall asleep when I pick up a book and there is no time left in my day. Guess I will have to give up blogging for a bit to fit some essestial reads in.

Pink Slippers said...

Love that you see all the pretty things..
even in the smallest things.

Lacey said...

I love your stroller, I have been looking to get one! I am glad to hear you like it! Your girls are beautiful by the way!