Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween at our place

Meeting Mickey for the first time..

Our Little Nemo

...and our little pumpkin


Grapefruit said...

So cute! I love Leah's giggling face in the pumpkin patch. And Jenna...of course you have your baby color coordinated with Halloween. We are the only lame parents who dressed up our baby as...nothing. We're such a disappointment in the fashion/cuteness factor. But you are the definite natural in that department. And once again, can I just please have Leah's hair? It's gorgeous!

Emalia said...

AHhh...so cute!! I love the costumes. That's so awesome little Leah picked up on potty training so fast. You'll have to tell me all your secrets. ;-) and I LOVE those little hair accessories you made for your girls. You are crafty!